Discover Kythira

What to do in Kythira

Fortetsa: A lookout across three seas

It used to be called the eyes of Crete as it looks onto the three big seas in Greece – the Ionian, Aegean and Cretan. The Venetian era comes to life as you walk through the castle in the main town. Among the sights are the Palace of the Venetian governor, the jails, the old cistern, the church of Myrtidiotissa, the church of Pantokrator, all landmarks and guardians of Kythira’s long history.

Kapsali and the twin bays

Though at its southernmost edge, Kapsali is the hub of the island. You’ll be captivated by this lively waterfront hamlet with its twin bays and solitary lighthouse. Bars, cafes and restaurants serving fresh fish and lobster, hotels, rooms to let, galleries and outdoor bookstalls on the coastal road all contribute to this bustling and accommodating atmosphere.

Paleohora: Mediaeval Kythira, city of ghosts

The castle-state of Agios Dimitrios, a place of legends and ghosts, used to be the island’s capital and is perhaps its most important historical site. Built by people from Monemvasia in the 12th century above two canyons at an altitude of 216m, it is not visible from the sea. Despite this, the infamous Ottoman admiral and former corsair Haireddin Barbarossa discovered, besieged and destroyed it. Exploring the ruins of its 80 houses and 20 churches is a haunting experience. The sole intact church of Agia Varvara is an architectural masterpiece.

Hytra: A dazzling experience

At a particular hour of the day the sun shines into the cave of the islet of Hytra, turning the waters turquoise and the walls golden. You can get there by boat from Kapsali and swim inside the cave. At 200m long and 22m high, it is one of the most spectacular in Greece.

Agia Sophia: The chapel in a cave

Life-size frescoes of saints painted in the 13th century greet you at the entrance of one of the most spectacular sights in Kythira. Inside the stalagmites and stalactites are natural wonders.


